So my sister’s wedding is coming up. I was asked how many guests I am inviting since they had to arrange for food and chairs. I said I have no friends so nobody. My siblings were amused and started asking “how is that possible?” in a mocking tone.

I am 22 years old , I had a few friends in school but they were terrible people so I cut them all off. Due to the COVID pandemic my university was closed for 2 years so I couldn’t make any friends there too.

I am currently preparing for exams so I could move out abroad for higher studies so I am busy with that and rest of the time I either go to the gym or watch sports or some movies which I enjoy. I honestly don’t feel the need to make any friends now as they would just be a distraction. I live with my mom and we talk daily for an hour or two so its not like I am completely alone.

So am I weird for not wanting friends or even a romantic relationship right now ?

  1. Your siblings are assholes. If you don’t want friends or a partner, then you don’t need them. But definitely be honest with yourself about it. A lot of people say that they don’t want those things, when they really do, but affirming that they don’t is a sort of defense mechanism to defend against the fact that they have none at the moment.

    Either way, ripping on someone because they don’t have friends is both childish and assholeish behavior.

  2. You don’t need to figure out the friend thing right now. But in the future, I think it will beneficial to meet new people and develop some friendships for many reasons – including, making sure you’re able to manage conflict with people who don’t already know and love you as much as I assume your mom does. I think you may also find some fulfilment in having more sources of support and insight. A lot of growth can happen as you move through relationships with people. I do not think the relationships have to be romantic. But it may be helpful to be more open to putting yourself out there and cultivating friendships.

  3. Yes, your freaky asf 😏


    No, your good dude

    In the words of 2pac

    “I ain’t got time for em bitches, gotta keep my mind on my muthafucken riches”

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