So I’ve recently been ‘seeing’ this guy but just to hook up, no feelings (on my end that is) Since I don’t drive he offers to pick me up and I stay the night at his, he live about 30 minutes away. Even after he finishes a long 12hr shift he will go out of his way to pick me up and let me stay the night even if he has work the next day in which he would have to wake up 30 minutes earlier at 5:30am to drop me home. I’ve told him that I can find my way home, either Uber, bus or getting a friend to come pick me up. Each time he just says it’s no bother and drives me home. Ok now to my main point. I was at his house the other night and we are cuddling and just as I’m about to fall asleep he kisses the back off my shoulder and pulls me in closer. The kisses didn’t give off a sexual vibe to them at all, it was more in an endearing way (I think). So that brings me to the question. Does this guy have feelings for me at all and what do you intercept the kiss on my back meaning while we were cuddling?

  1. Dosent have to mean anything.. But being in a fwb relationship brings the risks of getting feelings for the other person

  2. Nothing. My fuck buddies do this when we are cuddling as well. And trust me none of them have feelings for me.

  3. I find it totally normal to be “endearing” and a little romantic with my partners regardless of feelings, so it does not have to mean anything. At least not if that is the only thing you notice

  4. I have a bunch of FWB relationships where I treat them very endearingly like this. Even sending loving texts and messages back and forth.

    I wouldn’t think anything of it my love.

  5. I don’t know about him, but when I had fuck buddies it would include cuddles and hugging and kissing. Now I do understand that that can lead to complications but my experience was really good. Just because we aren’t dating doesn’t mean I don’t care or view them as a sex object. Sometimes it’s just good to make someone feel good. In my opinion that’s a good fwb relationship, others might disagree.

  6. Not completely out of the question but sometimes you just need the girlfriend experience without the girlfriend.

  7. Listen to your gut. If your catching those vibes it’s best to just have a conversation.

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