This PT I’m seeing knows I have intense feelings for her, and I’ve even confessed my feelings to her. Today I was lying down, and my heart started thumping, and my entire body just started getting a rush. I told her I needed time to relax, and she knew I was nervous. She saw me taking deep breaths, and my hand was on my heart, and I even told her I couldn’t look into her eyes because it made me nervous, and we both started laughing.

She is married, by the way. She’s also my physiotherapist – just for context.

When she saw me losing control, I was a nervous mess. She said – “omg, I have so much power over you,” and we both started giggling. I’m 18, and she’s in her 30’s. What did all of this mean?

TLDR: My PT knows that I have feelings for her and when I did confess and ask for her number – she gave it to me. Yesterday I got really nervous around her and she noticed it and commented on how she has so much control over me.

  1. If she won’t remove herself from an unsuitable situation, then you have to. It’s incredibly inappropriate (and unprofessional) for her to carry on ‘treating’ you while indulging your flirting and all the rest of it. For all you know she does this with every client so as to get repeat business from them?

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