Asking because I watched the film Zodiac many years ago and liked it and since have generally have had an interest in the subject.

1) If I went to a random place in America and asked them who the Zodiac Killer was, what percentage of people would recognize the name?

2) How many would be familiar with the specifics of the case?

3) Would Zoomers and younger people recognize the name?

  1. 1. Most everyone is familiar with him. Probably 80%

    2. Everyone would know the basics, maybe not a lot of details. Not everyone watches the documentaries or reads books on the subject…but those people are out there too.

    3. Zoomers would likely tell you that he is Ted Cruz.

  2. He’s the most infamous serial killer who hasn’t been caught. I doubt many people know the specifics of the case, but he’s basically a household name.

  3. My siblings, and I grew up in San Francisco at the time of the Zodiac killings. We actually had a family reunion last Saturday, and the subject of the Zodiac came up. We talked about him from a kids perspective. After he threatened to kill children on a school bus, our parents put us in lockdown. Our freedom to roam disappeared. We were not allowed to walk anywhere. We resented the hell out of the Zodiac.

    Zodiac was still a big topic here in the 70s and 80s. We had a neighbor who was a San Francisco detective that was added to the case in the 70s.

    In this area, everyone knows who the Zodiac is including Zoomers. How much detail is known varies. In my case, I researched the details later on my own. It’s not like a parent was going to tell a child more than generalities. I had no desire to see the movie. I read the book when it came out.

    Most people who know any of the details got it from the movie. Certainly that’s where most Zoomers got it.

  4. 1. The vast majority of Americans would recognize the name “Zodiac Killer” probably upwards of 90%

    2. About 50% would be familiar with specifics

    3. Zoomers would joke about it

  5. I live pretty close to where the Zodiac committed his murders and I’m pretty sure everyone around here knows about them. It’s definitely the most famous local unsolved crime.

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