About a year ago I met a mutual friend who ran a very popular place that was hard to get into.. they would always get me in so I felt like I should return the favor by lending them one of my personal vehicles(expensive sports car) I didn’t mind them using it since I had a few other cars and didn’t drive it as much… Basically it was an unspoken agreement that since they took care of me I took care of them.. Well the more I went there I made connections with other people that work there and didn’t even need them to get in anymore, on top of that they ended up leaving the job… We where never really friends to begin with it was more of a convenience thing… they where reluctant to give me my car back but I managed to get it back because I needed to take it in for maintenance, that bought me some time but now they’re texting everyday asking if they can get it back? How should I go about this…

  1. I would just be upfront and say you can’t lend it out anymore. Or you could just block them and move on

  2. Notice how friends are only around when they need something? Put your foot down, and do not allow them to walk all over you. You deserve real friends.

  3. Just go the blunt route so there’s no more confusion, you’ve danced around the issue trying to be polite but this person is intentionally not taking the hint. You don’t consider them a friend, so there’s no relationship to maintain. Besides you already have the car back, so it’s not like you have to play nice to make sure they return it in one piece. You don’t even have to explain to them why your saying no but if you need to explain…

    “Sorry, but no. I’m not giving you my car. It’s been in your possession for long enough and I’m not interested in loaning it out again.”

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