i (f19) already have a boyfriend (m19) who ive been dating for around a year. this post isnt about him

i met this guy (m18) on a video game and initially he came off as very fruity. me and my boyfriend have matching names in this game (unfortunately we are that couple) so the guy i met on the video game knew i had a boyfriend as soon as we met.

we started dming everyday through discord and the entire time i figured he was gay. we would make jokes about being in love with each other just as girls do with their girl friends and guys do with their guy friends. like he would say dump your boyfriend for me and id jokingly say anything for you princess, stupid shit like that. but then he started saying things that genuinely made me think he’s into girls.

we were talking about how we both don’t really talk in video game voice chats because of our feminine sounding voices and he said “i know i sound feminine but i love girls just as much as the next guy does” and recently whenever i talk about my boyfriend he goes “ugh i hate him when are you guys going to break up” and today we were playing together and someone asked if we were dating and his response was “no, i wish”

i know its just a silly little internet friend i have but im starting to feel guilty when he makes these “jokes” or maybe theyre not jokes i really cant tell anymore. me and my bf got drunk a couple weeks back and he was kissing me and all of that stuff and i got a couple notifications from my friend so i stopped to check them and my boyfriend got really jealous and ive never seen him like that. it was definitely the alcohol affecting him but even when he’s jealous he tries to hide it really hard. i assured my bf he was gay but now i really dont know.

maybe i should talk to my boyfriend about this first? but i actually really like my friend… i wouldnt want my bf to tell me i cant play with him anymore. i also feel a little uncomfortable asking him if he’s gay or not. he’s made jokes about people being homophobic to him but he could still like girls if he were bi or pan or something like that right? or maybe im just overthinkinf this all… even when he makes these remarks it sounds like a joke but i just cant tell… help?

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