what is one topic that is an absolute no go between men when they talk?

  1. Tbf sex.

    We men talk about having sex and some of the things we do, but we almost never describe the whole scène, what we exactly did, how we did it and how it looked like.

    Women share way more details.

  2. Our current partner’s naked body. Even that’s not entirely true. The point is that we don’t want our buddies getting any ideas.

  3. Anything related to nudity about our current gf’s. We may share that we had sex, but we never share the detailed version. Girls do it and they don’t know that guys actually prefer to keep those things between them

  4. I’d never discuss details of sex with my friends. To me, it’s disrespectful.
    That’s between me and who I have sex with tbh.

    I have noticed it’s like that with my male friends too, never really speak about with it with my female friends either

  5. When the conversation starts becoming overtly sexual like when you start asking to compare genitalia. That’s when I end the conversation

  6. Mental health/Emotional Issues – I have always felt it is easier for women to open up to their gender unlike us. The social expectation to man up is the root cause.

  7. Sex and all that. I don’t want to know what my friends get up to sexually behind closed doors as that would be creepy and none of my business. Worst is I’ll ask “Did you get lucky?” And it turns out to be a yes or no answer and then the topic changes.

    Even when one of us 3 see an attractive woman. We will probably make a comment to each other about how good looking she is and then that’s it. No gross cat calling or constant going on about her. We mention it and forget about it seconds later

    We are not 13 anymore. We don’t giggle at words like “Boobies” and “Vagina”

  8. I have a couple of buddies I grab a beer with about once a month, all they want to discuss is politics and business. It’s the most boring conversation. Thankfully I have other friends who I hangout with more frequently and the conversation varies from sports, our kids, new beers we just tried, etc. it’s never sex..

  9. sex. we normally would not go in grave detail about sex in all honesty. We will say we fucked such and such at most but nothing detail wise…. I noticed will go in grave detail about their sex life down to the size of the dude penis with their friends and i find it very weird

  10. Everyone is saying sex but the real no-go is money/salary because often that’s where the real dick measuring happens.

  11. Butt stuff. Especially medical concerns. The only exception is if it’s admiring a lady’s caboose as she’s walking by.

  12. Suggesting you give your buddy a massage if he mentions that there’s a lot of tension in his neck or back.

  13. Sex, but in detail. It’s surprising how much more detailed women are than we are. It’s like the How I Met Your Mother Scene. We keep it to “Id tap that, I’d hit that” but the details don’t happen.

    It just doesn’t really happen, and from what I’ve heard my conversations aren’t out of the norm for that. I have one friend I’ve ever discussed details of sexual encounters with and he’s that friend where we’re both like “hey I need an opinion/advice and I literally can’t just talk to people about this”

  14. Extended conversations about deep feelings aren’t a no go as such, but mostly unwanted and awkward. I’d rather not hear it or do it tbh, I don’t wanna console crying guys (not on the reg anyways)

  15. Pushing a man if you think he’s lied. Most men are honest yet might say something untrue to avoid a topic. Like how they lost a job or how they got hurt. It’s a polite lie. Bad enough you know it’s a lie and obvious enough that you don’t pry.

  16. The that one topic that were agreed we would never discuss amongst ourselves—sorry I can’t speak on it further, I’m sworn to secrecy.

  17. If one or both of you are having a fling with another woman. You just don’t talk about that stuff.

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