So i went on a date for the first time yesterday. I’m quite an average looking guy and this girl who works in the same work environment exchanged snapchats and we started talking. Now she’s beautiful, a lot and after having talking to her and getting to know her i liked her. There was playful flirting from her side from the beginning but i was too under confident to really take it as such and thought that she’s just playing with me 😅.

So 3 days back we decided to go watch a movie together. Now bear in mind this is my first time going out on a date even though i’m 24. I was so dumb that i didn’t even considered it as a date but just me going with her to watch a movie 🤦‍♂️. I came in uber she came in her car. Firstly upon meeting her i went for the handshake, which she didn’t really liked and said that that’s way too formal. Well afterwards we went inside and sat on out seats. One hour in, both of our heads touched and we kind of leaned onto each other. After sometime i put my arm around her and she laid her head on my chest and i had mine on her. It was such a calm moment i never wanted it to end. Anyways, sometime after we started playing with each others hand.

Now the mess up part 🤦‍♂️. The movie ended and i just got up and i was like alright lets leave. Now i’m not doing any of this intentionally i’m just, how do i say it, not able to even comprehend that how is she even with me right now and so i’m kind of confused. We go out the cinema and started walking. She shivers once and i ask her if she wants my jacket, she says no and i’m like “alright “ and keep walking 🤦‍♂️. Sometimes after she shivers again and again i ask her that is she sure she doesn’t need my jacket and she says “no im okay” and again i just keep walking then 🤦‍♂️. We go to her car and sit inside. We then had a really long 2 hrs chat and it was actually really fun and we laughed a lot 😊. Anyways now she mentions the time and its late, now i’m like i don’t want to be rude to call it a night and so i keep talking and then she does too but after sometimes she says alright ill drop you off. She takes me to my place and parks the car. I say alright and i hug her. She kind of presses on me like tigtens the hug but then says “I’m sorry. This is too awkward “ I’m like no it’s alright, i get out of the car and wave her goodbye and off she goes.

I know i messed up big time. But still next day i ask her that i had a really great time and would she like to go out with me again on “this” day on a date?
And then she said “Yeah i would love to go out”. I told the place and time but she didn’t respond to that and replied to my other texts. And she has been , how do i put it, a little less texting from that night 😄. And i totally understand all of it.

The advice i want from you all is that first do i ask her again on the day that i told her that we can go out. Like say i said sunday, so should i text her sunday morning asking that is she ready for the night, or if she doesn’t mention it i should also not. Secondly if we do go out, i might take her to a park. What should i do this time in a gentlemen way to have the date go great 😊.
Im sorry if any of what i said might be harsh to anyone, i’m just a simple average guy asking for some advice on how i can come out of the mess up i made in my first

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