Men of reddit, whats making you feel down this week?

  1. I really dont know its just one of those weeks where you dont have taste for anything and you feel useless and you cant do shit.

  2. Let some women use me again. Been an off an on thing for 10 years yet I always seem to fall for it. She benefits from something I have and I’m left empty. I assumed bailing her out of a situation and letting her rent out a spare room would benefit me in some way (company, help with rent, chores, ect) but i got nothing. At least she’s moving out.

  3. Wanting to buy an oldtimer that is priced very good but not being able to afford it. Its priced 10k so dont think i am rich :’)

  4. I just curbed the alloy wheels on one of my cars that I got freshly powder coated 12 weeks ago. I’m taking the wheel to get fixed tomorrow and it will be back on the car by the weekend. I’m just annoyed with myself because it was my own fault as I was in a rush. Gonna be sore about that for a few days. Especially as it’s costing £100 to get it sorted again.

  5. Imposter syndroming even on a good day. But mainly nervous about my final upcoming. My other two grad classes are probably A’s and I really wanna make it a Hat Trick. But this is also the hardest class

  6. Life is only getting more expensive and I’m having a progressively worse time despite “doing better” on the face of it.

    Much like that song about the kid and the hippopotamus… “I want an inoperable brain tumor for Christmas.”

  7. I made a moral choice that could have got me laid by a very pretty, but very vulnerable young lady. I don’t regret it, but it made me realize that it’s been a while since I had talked to someone where it might lead to sex. Oh, also the holidays are coming up…and I’m alone again.

  8. Nothing. I’m pretty content with my life all things considered

    Despite what people on reddit want to make out

  9. I’ve been having trouble sleeping for almost 8 months. Not a single day has gone by where I don’t wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep, yet my everything is exhausted. It doesn’t sound like much, but prior, I used to fall asleep at the snap of a finger, so this has been so taxing on me mentally and has had effects on my everyday life in regards to exercise. It’s something I do to make me feel good but since this incident, I’m just too tired to do anything

  10. So I bonded really well with a new coworker. We rode together to and from a work gathering and had very pleasant conversations. We also had some nice, short text exchanges.

    However, since 2 weeks ago, she has seemed to become a little distant with me. She hasn’t reached out and we haven’t really interacted much in meetings like we were. I don’t know if I’m over thinking or if the time we spent together wasn’t as good as I thought it was, but her words had said differently.

    She has a boyfriend, so maybe that has something to do with it? Idk. But yeah, it’s got me feeling a bit down cause I thought we were starting to form a good friendship.

  11. Impostor syndrome, upcoming deadlines which are being held up by teammates, lack of being able to think ahead and plan my future on my part, failing to stick to my diet.

  12. Been learning more about money and how shit really works, but damn why do I always have to make so many phone calls

    Also lonely because I don’t really have friends.

  13. wut? Nothing! I’m awesome! Life is great. It’s nearly Christmas. Life is what you make of it.

  14. Melancholy about the future, my parents aging, myself aging, missed chances to start dating at an appropriate age, neglecting my body, too old to start having kids, etc.

    Been a rough couple of months actually.

  15. Listening to NY hip hop from the 90s and it made me realize how I missed out on such a spectacular decade. I was born during the war on terror, and it’s been downhill ever since

  16. Feeling like I have to walk on eggshells with my gf right now. I’m not sure if thats the case or im just overthinking things lately.

  17. Beside the ongoing epidemic of world-wide doom, gloom and fuckery?

    I’m supposed to have had some assistance vouchers come through and they never arrived. I’ve been chasing the bloody things for a month and the energy company have been zero fucking use.

  18. My GF, The one I was with for the last two years is going to leave me. That made me very down 🙁

  19. Well thankfully I just sort of resolved this problem, but I’m getting antsy about next semester of college because I had to drop a class and it changed my next semester schedule a good bit, and that got me feeling uncertain and worried about my future. On top of that I have one more exam that needs to be completed. And on top of that I hit a bad snag of academic burnout. All of that is coming to a close though because the semester is almost over but that had me feeling awful for the better part of a week and a half.

  20. My birthday is Saturday, and my girlfriend didn’t plan anything. I know this because my parents got a resort room for us at the beach, but we could only use if the reservation didn’t interfere with her plans. So I asked her if she had anything planned, and she said not yet… this was Sunday. Her birthday was a few months ago and I planned the whole thing months in advance confirmed she was able to get the days off work, made the reservations for things I knew she enjoyed. Got gifts that she had subtly mentioned she wanted, and We both had a great time. I’m not sure if my parents got the room knowing she wouldn’t do anything, but It just sucks putting in effort and getting so little in return.

  21. Fairly mild but very persistent Sciatica.

    At best it just feels like I’ve got 80% of my regular power output in the leg and can’t walk long stretches. At worst I wake up in the middle of the night because my leg is cramping somewhere between my ankle and asscheek.

  22. Oh man I’ve been wanting this girl at work but as the saying goes you don’t shit where you eat, so I’m debating should I wait until I quit in less than 6 months to ask her out and if it’s worth it, for context the last time I crushed on a girl was over 2 years ago, and before that 2 years as well. I’m extremely picky and rarely am attracted to anyone so my brain is telling me to wait but my heart is burning in anger and hopelessness.

    Because I so rarely feel attraction to anyone I’m not experienced in relationships and hooks ups and one nights always grossed me out (not for religious reasons, just based on morals) so there’s also the stress of asking her out, questions like, where will I take her for the date? What will I do after? Will I feel comfortable bringing a girl home to a house with a big family that is never empty? How will I keep the relationship spiced up and not boring because personally my life is pretty boring because my job puts a heavy physical load on me so I rather go home sleep and rest up for the next day and feel too exhausted doing anything interesting. How will I manage money? Going to restaurants is expensive, hell everything is expensive and wage is low! All these questions that push me back from having the balls to go through with it, I feel like I’m a lot more terrified of her agreeing to go out with me than just saying she’s not interested so that I could calmly move on with life.

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