Hello people. I am [21] man and i am with my girlfriend [20] for more than 2 years and now we live together. She was firts girl i had sex with. Problem is i was not her first boy. She had sex with a few guys before meeting me and she is no more in contact with them. Anyway the fact she had someone makes me feel like shit, it’s the worst mental pain a know. I must think about that mostly when we have sex, so sometimes i just want to avoid it so we don’t have sex so often or it is less enjoyable. I thougt it will pass in time, but after 2 years still didn’t and i am afraid it never will. I don’t know how to deal with it. Please anyone any experience? Thank you

TLDR: I am jealus on my girlfriends past relationships

  1. The dreaded body count talk. I know in my experience it’s more comfortable to be with some in the same range as yourself, but with that being said most people will tell you the past is the past.

  2. Stop thinking about it. It’s super unhealthy. Many people lose their virginity to someone who has already had sex. Think about anything else. It sounds like you might need some therapy if it is as bad as you suggest. It’s really not healthy.

  3. She is with you, man. She is not with them. It’s not her fault you never hooked up before her, and it is unfair of you to compare your experiences at this point. Dont F up a good thing over your insecurities.

  4. People will tell you that you’re judging her and hate on you. But the reality is you are judging yourself for not having any experience.

    This is the problem with virgin and non virgins relationship. At some point your curiosity will get the best of you. It will drive you crazy not knowing what sex is like with others when she had experience. You don’t have that virgin-virgin bond.

    Good luck friend.

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