Recently a friend told me her story about how she stopped the pill and how it positively changed her life. I talked about it to my SO as it was something she considered before. So we now have a lot of questions, hence this post.

Giving that we don’t want kids and that we’re ok with condoms, what are the pros and cons to stopping the pill ? Can you share your story, positive or negative about it. Things to know, does and don’ts etc..

  1. The pill ruined my mental health while I was on it. Never been so anxious or suicidal as I was then. I felt like myself again after being off it for a few months.

  2. The pill amplified all my pre-existing mental health issues (anxiety and depression.) Been using condoms exclusively for a decade and I’ve never had an STD or pregnancy scare. Also don’t feel crazy anymore lol.

  3. I’m lucky in that the pill works well for me, but it does do awful things to some women. If you’re having sexual dysfunction (no libido, no wetness) and/or mood issues, it might be worth stopping to see if those get any better. Just use some other form of protection

  4. Ive been off of the pill for a month now due to medical reasons, ive not noticed really big changes other than a higher sex drive and less pain durring sex. If its something your partner wants to do then go for it, i myself am way too into creampies to stay off of it😂

  5. I’ve been off the pill now for about two years and I’ve never felt better. About 3 months after I stopped, I noticed I was a lot happier. Like a gray veil had been lifted. Also, my sex drive is a lot higher without a daily dose of hormones.

  6. Every woman reacts differently to the pill. So, your partner’s friend’s story might not be exactly what your partner will experience.

    That said, most forms of hormonal birth control wreak havoc on the human body and brain.

    My wife (and I) finally decided it would be best for her to stop. And, it was a very positive experience and results when she stopped.

    We always used two forms of birth control because we were super paranoid.

    So, when she stopped taking the pill, we started using condoms and I also pulled out. This is totally our decision. But, it is what we felt comfortable with.

    My wife did nothing special beyond just stopping taking the pill.

    YMMV, good luck!

  7. I think if you are mature enough to truly take control of fertility it can be beneficial! I knew I wasn’t there maturity until mid/late 20s. If you know you don’t want kids I would highly recommend looking into getting snipped yourself that way there isn’t fear. But for her she would read the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility and learn about her own body and fertile days. Tracking carefully and BBT can help her understand more to reduce the risk of pregnancy. Coming off of birth control at this point in my life has been incredibly beneficial.

  8. Some people have really terrible reactions, like depression or anxiety, worsened mood swings.
    Some people it works wonderful for, such as people who’s periods lighten.
    There are tons of different versions and formulations. If this method is working for you, there’s no reason to stop. If you just want to try being off of it for a month or so and are aware of the risks, great! You can also consider other methods (I’m on the birth control shot, in the US they make a subcutaneous one you can administer at home and i love never having to think about whether or not i remembered to take a pill)
    Do your research!

  9. Little to no bad effects. My periods are lighter and a lot more manageable, they last less, they are always on time (had a terribly irregular period before) and since I started I have had like half a cramp (whereas they were a given before the pill). I don’t think it has affected my libido or my mental health, if anything I get a lot less irritable before my period. I’m also a very anxious person so it helps keeping my mind at ease.

  10. The pill was horrible for me. The copper IUD gave me horrible periods, like pain that nearly sent me to the emergency room horrible. I’ve had a hormonal IUD for 5 years, my periods stopped, no appreciable mood alterations. Its reliable, the only issue is one of my partner’s can feel the strings in some positions and it’s painful, but only occasionally. Its a good option for lots of women.

  11. I’m not in the majority here but I’ve not had any negative side effects related to pill (estrogen or progestin only). I’ve switched from off for about six months to back on with no side effects while on and no improved effects while off. Every woman is different and you should 100% do whatever your wife feels is best for her health.

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