My wife (50F) and I (56M) differ completely in what we think is good conversation. I am into things like current topics, discussing the kids, work etc where as she wants more deeper conversation. I am a bit lost…. even my FIL recons that him and my MIL never talk about anything deeper than us kids and what the future hold.

  1. Does she want the big questions? Like what do you think happens after we die? What’s the nature of consciousness? Is there absolute good and evil or is morality subjective? Who are you underneath everything you tell yourself or have been told you are? If everything that you fear to be true is true what then? How can we get ahead of the short sightedness that’s inherent in being a creature that rarely lives over 100 years? With modern technology so many of the decisions made by people alive today will have ripple effects for possibly centuries, both bad and good. We’re evolved to be concerned for survival and survival if our children but we have much more complex things that we deal with now and often rush headfirst into what is new and exciting. We always hear about big important people in history but there were so many more people who are just as important as everyone reading this right now. We’ll be forgotten like they were. What feelings arise from that? What were those people’s lives like? What did they joke about, how did they talk to their friends when they were falling in love? What were their family recipes?

  2. I (50M) have just random conversations with my wife (52F). We talk about the kid and grandchildren. We talk about TV programs, or movies, or the puppy, or whatever. Today we had a conversation about water weenies from when we were teens. We talk about just random stuff.

    Sometimes we have deep conversations, but most of the time we keep it pretty light. My wife is not into the super deep conversations though like your wife seems to be.

  3. I would start discussions the validity of flat earth theory

    I mean… do you really just blindly trust the scientists saying it’s round?

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