Girlfriend has been acting strange lately. I was suspicious so I went through her phone, to my surprise she has been texting an ex. Or rather, he has been trying to get back with her. They broke up 7 months ago. But he first reached out in October. She told him she had someone, but they still managed to have an emotional and intimate conversation about their relationship. She even admitted he wanted fun and nothing serious, and that she wanted a stable relationship with him. He tried to meet up with her after promising to be more committed, and thankfully she told him that she had someone (whew).

Well just the other day about 2 months later, he texted her a playlist full of love songs. She replied “Name \*puppy eyes x3\*” “I wish I could be with you”

Guys, I dont know what to think. IS she just being nice with him or is she actually having second thoughts with me and really means she wants him back here?

TLDR; Girlfriends ex has been trying to get back with her. At first she offered resistance, told him she had someone. They managed to have a very intimate and emotional convo, she sent him puppy eye emojies and even admitted she wanted a stable relationship with him. He tried to meet up but she didnt let him. 2 months later he sent her a playlist of love songs, and now she replied with “I wish I could be with you”

  1. when someone is important to you, you don’t give them the time for day.

    if you were just as important to your gf, should would have straight out ignored, him, blocked him or told him not to contact her as shes in a relationship.

    she has kept contact, doesn’t tell you,and reply’s i wish i could be with you. How many more red flags do you need? Those are just the ones you saw, I bet theres more in her social media accounts.

    If i were you I would confront her and ask her to make a choice, him or me to not waste my time. If she chose me I would expect to see a text asking him not to contact her ever again, followed by blocking his number and removing him from any social media.

    thought personally I would be pretty damn hurt knowing shes already said she wants to be with him while being with me. I would find that too insulting to want to be with her. Can’t force someone to love you. Sometimes its best to let go and find someone more willing to only have eyes and an open heart to you.

  2. At the very least, what she is doing is incredibly disrespectful to you. She still has feelings for him. These messages are both proof and inappropriate. I don’t think she should be texting him at all when she clearly knows he wants her back.

    I wouldn’t feel very happy or secure in this relationship. I’d bring it up with her and break up with her because you don’t deserve to be with someone that wishes to be with someone else.

  3. She’s in love with him but he’s a flake. You are more serious and reliable option as a life partner.

    You deserve better. Don’t settle. I promise there are good and better women out there for you where they are crazy in love with you (and only you).

    Get out there and find her. It’s worth the effort.

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