I (male) am in love with my best friend (female). I have fallen in love with the most beautiful woman inside, and gorgeous outside, she is amazing! She makes me feel so very special, says I am the nicest guy she has met, the realest guy she has met, and so many other heartwarming compliments. My life was pretty bad before meeting her, but after meeting, my life was great, I had so many new hopes and dreams and a positive outlook on life. Then one day I asked her if we could take a chance to be more, for our relationship to move beyond friends. She has assured me that she will never give me or us the chance for more, that she will never love me in all the ways I love her, because she doesn’t want to “ruin what we already have”. I have said that this was okay and no hard feelings or whatever, but it’s not okay, and what we had is partially ruined, but it’s my fault because I’m the idiot that asked for more. My hopes and dreams are dead, I feel like my entire life is cursed. I am completely heartbroken and crushed, knowing and feeling that I am not even worth a chance, even though she calls me her love, and so many other nice things. Should I tell her how heartbroken and crushed her rejection has made me? Should I continue trying to move past it and be the friend and only the friend that she wants? Or should I just try to let her go so she can meet someone that she will feel the way I feel about her (that she is my best friend, my soulmate, my one true love, my world, my everything)?

1 comment
  1. Take a chill pill and chase it with hundred proof.

    Look, she doesn’t want married life with you. She doesn’t even want something that could eventually lead to married life. Talk to her about once a month or so, and find someone else.

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