How true it is that men fall in love with the absence of a woman and vice versa? Or is this just a myth?

  1. This is true. It’s the same idea as “absence makes the heart grow fonder”. It’s guided my approach to dating honestly. I don’t like to spend too much time together or have lives that are completely intertwined. When dating, I assert my independence and individuality, never taking on too much of the other person.

  2. I’m not sure how this is meant.

    * Men love a woman more, when she is not around.


    * Men at some point will start to love being single.

  3. Absence does make the heart grow fonder but it also add tremendous stress to a relationship if there is alot of absence. Just look at the military divorce rate.

  4. Vice versa meaning , we fall in love with a woman of absence?

    Honestly not heard this.

    This seems to a mix of “absence make a heart grow fonder”, and “familiarity breeds contempt”

    Depends on the couples I guess.

    But in todays ultra connected world, is anyone really that absent.

  5. Some men are aroace and just like being by themselves. Most people don’t *need* companionship and a lot of people appreciate independence as they age and the ability to control the space you inhabit.

    I think it’s a myth that people fall in love with the absence of a woman though.

  6. I would say that both rules can apply to any regardless of gender.

    Personally I love time and touch with loved ones.

  7. I’ve never heard this notion.

    I’ve had bits of time living alone in my late 30s/40, and it’s been good, but also made it very clear how much I enjoy long-term connection to a romantic partner.

  8. I think what you describe can be summed up as “If you have an unresolved crush on someone, them not being around will cause you to idealize them in perpetuity.

    What makes it ten times worse is if you know the crush is mutual (or at least perceived to be by you). The urge to follow up and keep following up on it to see where it would lead magnifies the effect to no end.

  9. Not sure that you are saying it correctly.

    Do you mean “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”?

    If so it’s only true over an EXTREMELY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.

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