What will you do when you learn your partner calls you ugly behind your back?

  1. If I thought she was serious I’d be back on the dating apps. Based on past experience there are lots of women out there who are into my type and I know it.

    Why would I stay with anyone who thought I was ugly? What would even be the point?

  2. Nothing because Im bigger, meaner and uglier and I make more money so if my looks are a deal breaker enjoy trying to buy the house on your own income without mine

  3. I would confront my partner about what I had heard. I would want to know why they felt that way and if there was anything I could do to change their perception. If my partner was unwilling to work on the relationship, then I would consider ending things.

  4. I like the way this question is worded. It’s not “what would you do if…” like a hypothetical. It’s “what will you do when…” like it’s just a guaranteed fact that everybody’s partner calls them ugly behind their back, some of us just are oblivious to it.

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