I’m 23 F. He is 23M. I’ll try to keep the story short.
We met at a bar – danced, kissed, went home together. Cuddled all night. It was a really good night.
Connected on social and talked. Went on a first date at the end of which we kissed. And he said he didn’t wanna rush things. We were messaging everyday at this point. A few days later when I asked will I see you again he responded with he s confused about what he wants. And he doesn’t want to date in this moment of time. We stopped talking.
That was a Wednesday.
Friday, and Saturday I kinda got emotional and we talked and he told it was getting too full on. I calmed down by Sunday and sent a thought out text and apologized sorta for asking too much to which he replied really nicely too.
Cue the Friday of that week and I was kinda tipsy and I messaged hello and he replied almost immediately and he said it would be nice to see me again and a few messages later I was at his home and we just literally slept together and cuddled all night. And I’m talking fingers interlocking, him holding me tight, head on his chest cuddling. But we didn’t really talk about what’s going on.
I’m confused now.
Should I maybe message him and see if he would like to meet ? Or should I wait for him to contact me. I feel this connection and he admits it’s nice being with me but eh doesn’t know what he wants.

TLDR: one night stand turned to first date turned to confusion and then we met again and cuddled all night.

  1. Yep, ask him out. If you feel like seeing him again, why should you wait? Life is too short, enjoy!

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