I’m sure I can’t stand him (M19) from 1 month i,He always makes s*xist and mis*gynistic speeches and sees the girls he has s*x with as sl*ts. He told me that he only sees me as an outlet and that if he doesn’t have s*x with me and say, he goes out on the town and that’s all he gets angry,even if we did nothing but laugh and talk the days we also had s*x. In May he wanted to end our friendship because I told a friend of his that we went out together, even years ago he wanted to hide me because he was ashamed of our friendship. He has always been ashamed to tell others that he goes out with me, I would like to take a picture of us and let our former classmates see it to expose him from this point of view To get a revenge towards all the people who they judged and insulted me behind my back or snubbed me, at the same time I am angry with myself herself for not moving forward and thinking about a class that is part of my past

TL;DR – I just wish I had a rematch towards everytime he hide me and towards a toxic environment

  1. So you want to hook up with him to take a picture of you two in the act to prove you hooked up?

    That’s stupid. You can’t stand him, and effectively it changes nothing. Few people will change their mind about the past. It doesn’t exonerate you. He can play it off as you were a one night thing, he didn’t care, you were desperate and begging him. It’s not going to harm his reputation, too easy to play it off.

    Just figure out a way to move on. This “trap” is beyond stupid. It will not make you feel better, it won’t change anything other then you hooked up with him again.

    You gotta let it go.

  2. You need to let it go.

    He isn’t worth the damn time of day; and what you’re planning to do costs too much damn energy for someone like that.

    Seriously, you move on with life, let him move on with life. Karma always comes around.

    I don’t see why people actively seek out drama. It’s really not worth it. Moving on with life and finding someone you’ll be happy with is a bigger “f u” than what you’re trying to do.

    All you’re doing right now is letting him win and he’s living in your head rent free.

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