Hello- I (36F) recently started getting extremely bad headaches that come on right as I’m going to climax. It comes on in an instant. Excruciating pain , I have to grip my head with both hands. It gets tolerable after about 15 minutes but still a mild headache for a few hours. It has happens every single time I orgasm in the last two weeks whether it is sex or masturbating. Probably about 7 times.
This happened to me before years ago when I was 7-8 months pregnant but it went away after I delivered. I never told dr about it I just thought it was pregnancy related. I’m not pregnant now.
Has anyone experienced anything like this before? A quick google search says it is common. But this just started and I’m pretty sexually active. Would you think it be best to call a neurologist or a gynecologist? My PCP said to see a specialist else right away.

  1. This may be the ER medicine history in me coming out, but I’d get it checked out by a neurologist. My concern would be vascular irregularities in the head/brain, which manifest into a headache under periods of increased blood pressure (as an orgasm does).

    Your google search claims it was common, so may possibly be off-base here, but this is worth getting checked out regardless – if for no other reason than peace of mind.

    Incidentally, do you exercise? If so do you also experience these headaches when doing high-cardiac exercises such as running?

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