How did you grow your chest?

  1. You gotta sing the theme song to Baywatch & you’ll get instant gains, now, on the count of 3, 1… 2… 3…

    *”Some people stand in the darkness, afraid to step into the light.”*

  2. It took years. Seriously. And it didn’t really grow until I worked on back as much a chest.
    The formula is simple… workout chest 1 to 2 times a week (back just as much). Spend about an hour. no more. Every time try to lift a little more. Every time. And eat. You wob’t grow if you don’t eat – a lot of protein.

  3. When I did that, push ups using the chest rather than the arms. Often cycled through wide and narrow hand positions. A back pack full of heavy books is a cheap cheat when you get to that point. Then would work on the arms independently. I had good results at home.

    This was decades ago and now I am a slightly flabby 40-something. It is what it is.

  4. Good compost, a warm environment and plenty of water and daylight. Soon I had chests sprouting and am looking forward to a wonderful chest harvest early next year.

  5. Man Boobs from poor nutrition and no exercise !


    Fondling your moobs while wanking is underrated !

  6. Chest press, bench press, weighted dips, inclined chest press, cable crossover. Upping my calories by a decent amount, lots of protein, water, and my vitamins. And time. Lots of time and consistency.

  7. i started woodworking by hand. from rough split lumber.

    dont get me wrong my pecs werent small by any extent before this. but pushing a plane day in day out, wich was sometimes taking of curls over a mm thick. really made my pecs what they are today.

    also gave me really stupidly large triceps

    in theory any relatively light weight repetative motion will work.

  8. Obviously weights. But when I was in high school and early university I had always had a developed chest simply from doing a lot of push-ups

  9. Getting my working weights of bench past my bodyweight, in conjuction with deep stretch decline dumbell bench and a proper diet did the trick for me.

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