What is something you do when you are so sad it’s hard to even get out of bed?

  1. Lay there until I find the strength to eat, shower, make tea, or possibly even go outside. Also, will listen to music and watch documentaries etc in bed.

  2. If I don’t have to get out of bed, then I don’t force myself and let myself be sad. If I can take a mental health day from work I might do that. I try to do the things I find comfort in when I am sad, like daydreaming that someone is there to comfort me or talking to a friend. Even if the conversation with the friend is superficial I find it easier when I’ve talked to another person about something. I try not to feel bad about doing stuff like eating too much or zoning out.

    If I have to get up and go to work, then I do the opposite of that – try to steel myself up by playing metal music or some other genre that’s dark but also has a lot of energy. I tell myself that I just have to get through x number of hours and then I can let myself be sad. Sometimes it works and sometimes the sadness just seeps through anyway, in which case I just do the best I can. I think that’s really all anyone can do.

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