I enjoy meeting new people and adding friends to my collection, but I highly value my own space and time.

When at work, I socialise on tills, but not as frequently with colleagues as I don’t care to nor am I the best with small talk.

I had an interview the other day, I said ‘Since graduating from University & returning to my home city, I utilise Facebook Meet-Up groups and Bumble BFF to meet new women to make friends with’.
She said: ‘You sound sociable’.
I never know how to respond on the odd occasion people say this about me.

My 16 personalities test says i’m an Extravert but, truly….. after an experience I’ve had this year, I think I lean on the Introverted side. I heavily understand Introverts more than extraverted tendencies.

Can one be a sociable Introvert? lol

What does it mean to be sociable as I feel as if I’m a fraud to fitting this criteria.

1 comment
  1. Yes you can. Introvert doesn’t mean shy or friendless. It means that you tire easily from too much social interaction and need some time alone to charge up.

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