I (24F) just stared casually seeing someone (29M) and we had sex for the first time a couple days ago. I asked him if he had a condom when we were having sex and when I asked him to put it on he said “I’m just teasing you” but then never put the condom on. He never finished so I thought I was ok with it in the heat of the moment since everything felt great. However, I realized I am not actually ok with it. I’m on birth control but I don’t want to catch anything and it gives me peace of mind. I want to ask him to use a condom if/when we have sex again but it makes me a bit anxious

  1. No, you shouldn’t feel bad. Being so willing to have casual unprotected sex is a red flag. Please take your health seriously.

  2. If you don’t want to have sex without a condom that is absolutely ok and entirely your choice, nothing to feel bad about. He can choose to use one or not have sex with you.

  3. No, you shouldn’t feel bad. You asked him to wear a condom and he didn’t. You also shouldn’t feel bad for asking your partner to wear a condom it’s a perfectly reasonable request and by ignoring it your breaking consent.

  4. Fuck no. I say this as a boy who hates condoms, I can’t really perform with them, so I’m very motivated to go without – but, that’s after conversations and tests and trust. Always ask for one until you’ve settled all health and procreation issues.

  5. No, you should not feel bad. He should use a condom, period. Not finishing in you means nothing, there was a post on here the other day from a teenager who got his 16-year-old girlfriend pregnant that way.

    If he argues about it, kick him to the curb. It’s not negotiable.

  6. He’s casually seeing you and other people and fucking them without protection as well so, In a way, you’re sleeping with all of them too.

  7. Definitely communicate how you’re feeling! If he’s not willing to wear a condom for your peace of mind, then he’s not the one you should be having sex with 🙂 you could also ask him to get an STI check so you could both be sure you’re safe together if unprotected

  8. You shouldn’t feel bad about asking him to wear a condom. You also shouldn’t feel bad or get pissy if he chooses to just not have sex then.

  9. Be blunt direct and rude. I’m gonna take you for every cent I legally can for child support so put the condom on or I’ll be wearing your winter coat.

  10. For several decades using condoms has been **the default**, especially with a new sexual partner, independent of other birth control. You shouldn’t bother to have sex with a man that can’t bother to wrap up.

  11. Why does it make you feel a bit anxious? What is the fear or anxiety you’re holding here?

    It is so beyond reasonable that I think it’s a bare minimum expectation we can have from any sex partner.

  12. I am only 20, had sex with two men and still getting all itchy and mad when I just read something like this. You have to be confident that your used protection is suitable for your partner, and no, unprotected sex is never a thing that a man can demand. Biggest red flag ever, that he is willing to expose you to such risks, just to save some time, money or whatever.

  13. Of course you shouldn’t feel bad! That is a perfectly reasonable thing to ask!

    I would not hook up with this guy again. You asked him to put it on and he never did. He obviously doesn’t take your boundaries seriously and that’s not okay. Go find someone who actually respects your boundaries to have sex with.

  14. No. Condoms exist for a reason. You can get pregnant from precum which guys cannot control as much as we’d want to. And lets not forget std-s.
    Especially if its “casually seeing someone” you definitely should ask him to wear a condom.

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