6-7 days ago, I was matched with a girl on the dating app Hinge. I am a 21 year old guy who is turning 22 on 22nd December and she is 23 turning 24 next month. What’s cool is that her hometown is in Darjeeling in West Bengal, India and my hometown is in Siliguri in West Bengal in India so our hometowns are super close and now we both live in the city Bangalore in India which is a big metropolitan city. She looks more like a South East Asian girl like Thai or Filipino so she looks super cute. For the first 2-3 days we had a decent chat. I even complimented her saying “do you know whats the most beautiful thing?” And she asked what. Then I replied “Just go stand in front of a mirror to get the answer 😀”. Then she asked me whether this was my pickup line or just a joke.” So I said I just said it to make her smile. But since Saturday, her replies started getting delayed. I can’t even see whether she is online or she saw my message on Hinge or not and I was running out of topic and her replies were also like one word. Yesterday afternoon, again we were having a chat. Seeing her one word replies, I thought to make her smile again so I sent her a virtual hug. Yeah I wrote this “BTW you seem really sweet so here is one virtual hug for if you don’t mind. 🤗”. After that she didn’t reply anything. Idk whether she saw it or not. Later I sent her a sorry too but still nothing but she still didn’t unmatched me yet. I suck at conversations and I think most girls get bored of me too. Should I have asked her out on a date earlier? Also did she get creeped out just because of a simple virtual hug? Do you think now she will ghost me forever?

TL DR: I was matched with a girl on Hinge 6-7 days ago and had a good chat and sent her a virtual hug yesterday and she ain’t replying anymore.

  1. I’ll be honest, the first one comes across as a cheesy pick up line, and the “virtual hug” is kind of creepy, imo. I would probably start pulling back from the conversation after one of those lines, but both would make me withdraw entirely.

  2. The virtual hug would be coming on a bit too strong. With the right person, conversation won’t feel forced, I’m sorry but I think she’s not interested.

  3. Don’t respond to her and wait for her to message you. If a few weeks pass, she may not be interested.

  4. First of all, never say a girl looks cute because she looks like a race that isn’t her own. It’s icky. Secondly, she isn’t into you but don’t let it discourage you. Maybe ease up on the corny stuff, at least until the 3rd date.

  5. These things you think are endearing with the emojis after them are not good. It’s like what a little kid would say. Just be yourself and layoff these comments you think are cute or witty or whatever. They are not.

  6. There’s some initial excitement when 2 people match with each other, but if you start getting the vibe that she’s not interested in chatting , then move on.

    There’s so many reasons why a person matches and chays with you , and it could be as simple as , they had some time to kill and they were bored. Once that session passes, then they don’t really want to talk anymore .

    But even if there was another reason to chat with you and another reason to stop chatting with you, the main thing is you have to read the room and if the other person is not interested then quit talking to them and quit apologizing for talking to them.

  7. Lol you indian dudes are always too sappy and horny when it comes to women. Act more stoic, less lovey-dovey. That kind of talk can come after you’ve established a relationship with a woman.

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