So I understand your concern off the bat. 7yrs can be a lot for somebody in their early 20s. A 29yr old is grown, grown. They’re at a different stage in life. I get those points, I do however This particular 29yr old I feel is at the same stage in life as me maybe 1 step above me. They just moved out of their parent’s house this year. This is their first serious relationship with me they’ve dated a few people, but nothing serious came from it. I do feel over time when I hit say 25/26 if we stay together that long I feel our gap won’t show as much to him as it does today.

He makes a few comments that he keeps saying he’s old. I feel 29 is not old at all. I feel today in 2022 being 30 is a different set of what’s acceptable vs say 1990 and you’re 30. Maybe I’m wrong and 29 is old. I believe we are very compatible as partners. We share many interests and I don’t feel a lust fest for him I truly like him. Most of the time I forget he is approaching 30. Do you guys think this relationship can hold a good grip with this age gap, or is it too much at the moment? Have you had a 7yr age gap? What was your experience?

  1. Give it a shot if you both want to. What you feel takes priority over what society will see. Just remember that he was trading Pokémon cards before you were born.

    You might connect well with him, but that might not ring true for how you two will interact as a couple with your existing friend groups.

    Be ready to catch some shade, but if you feel it is a compelling match, shoot your shot.

  2. You are both grown ups, I see nothing wrong with this scenario, if you like him give it a shot.

    There is 5 years between me and my girlfriend, I was 29 and she was 24 when we started dating no one has ever commented on it and we’ve never found it weird.

  3. 29 is not old. But maybe too old for a 22 year old. I personally would not as a 29 year old date someone who was 22. There’s too much life experience difference imo

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