Obi Wan Kenobi yelled in horror when he found out that Anakin Skywalker had turned to the dark side. “You were the chosen one!” Was there ever a time when you were highly disappointed by someone that you once had great hope for? How did it happen, and what was it like when you found out?

  1. I had great hope this post was going to be about Star Wars based on the first two sentences. That it abruptly changes course and the first half is entirely unnecessary was pretty disappointing. I believe it happened because you tried to show horn in a metaphor. It wasn’t that bad to find out but it was annoying as all get out.

  2. Yah my ex was so damn fine yet so damn insecure and she just couldn’t get over her overthinking and jealousy which pushed me away. She was literally perfect in every other regard.

  3. I had a long term girlfriend awhile back who I really liked. One day she started laughing and joking about stealing her sisters bfs jacket and throwing it in a dumpster. That disappointed me a bit and I asked her if she was serious. She said something like “ya I stole it for real but it’s ok, he’s an asshole”. I’ve never lost so much respect for someone so quickly. I replied with something like “that may be so, but he’s not a thief”. Broke it off the next day.

  4. Obama, what could have been. But he squandered his time, and spent the first three years blaming that little Bush dude. Made me understand that modern politics is not about bettering our nation, but pandering to various tribes.

  5. Met a coworker who seemed really cool at first and we had loads in common. Hung out a few times, boasted a ton and things seemed good. However in a really slow drawn out manner I (and everyone else that we worked with) found out that he was a compulsive lying manipulative prick. I practically felt cheated of a potential friend.

  6. Yeah. I dated a narcissist. She was perfect and wonderful… for 3 months. Then things started to turn. Soon it turned out she was the opposite of everything she claimed to be. She had claimed to be altrustic, caring, and to be supporting all her friends emotionally (but needed support from me and couldn’t give it, because she was so drained). In reality, she hurt everyone around her badly, was saying the same thing to all of them, and didn’t even have the skills she claimed to have.

  7. Mentored a young girl at work (sorry, story doesn’t go THERE), she was super professional and had such great aptitude and when a couple years later she was promoted, then promoted *above* me I wasn’t even mad bro, she definitely was the Exec type and I’m a guy at the bottom of the boat with an oar. But then she gradually kinda flipped, started drinking and partying with a weird crowd from her hometown, then quit while burning some major bridges and we keep I’m touch, she’s now struggling and has worked a series of crappy entry level jobs .

    I *had*, or tried to have a talk with her about having a good chance of a damn good career, and to compartmentalize your partying cause that doesn’t last forever unlike good benefits and a pension but she was annoyed that I was crossing a line and it had to do with my jealousy of her and….I don’t know what was going through her head.

  8. Yes. Myself. Slowly over time until it dawned on me that I wasn’t going to save the world, but in fact need saving. It continues to be very depressing and disorienting, but also in a strange way, relaxing. The realisation came with a gritty sense of ordinariness and self acceptance.

  9. Honestly, no offense to any servicemen or veterans reading this, but I think it was a massive mistake on the part of my ex’s to throw away her college opportunity to join the military. She was both incredibly brilliant and a talented athlete. She had a full ride to Texas A&M. Her dad was the one who pressured her into joining the military. He had served as a young man and had always dreamed of his children “continuing the legacy.” I watched as this man used every manipulation and guilt trip tactic in the book to convince his daughter to join the military. Not to mention I can tell it’s ruined her mentally and emotional. She used to be very confident and proud of herself. I talked to her earlier this year because we’re still kind of friends. She doesn’t even sound like the same person. She sounds depressed and extremely emotional and anxious all the time.

    We broke up three years ago, and it still bothers me sometimes. I would bet money that we would still be together if it wasn’t for her being in the military. We split because of the distance and difficulty spending time together. That and also I think the stress made her overreact and be overly emotional which led her to break up with me.

    I’ll never forgive her dad for manipulating her like that

  10. First ex wore breast pads. You could imagine my surprise as a freshman in college when the shirts came off and she suddenly lost her boobs.

  11. My daughter, she ended up like her mother and mine’s worse traits pretty early on in life.

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