How long have you been together and at what point did they quit bringing you flowers? How do you feel about that?

  1. At no point has a lover or SO ever bought me flowers, despite me saying straight out that I would like them to buy me flowers. Ever.

  2. If I’m lucky, after 22 years together, once every other year since our 1st year of marriage! He’s clueless

  3. My husband gets me and my mom flowers (we live with my parents) on special occasions like Valentine’s day. But every few months or so he will just buy them and surprise me.

  4. When I told him to. They are expensive, don’t last and I really don’t care about them.

    It was less than a year into the relationship

  5. My partner will only buy me flowers if it’s Lego otherwise I have to buy them myself

  6. He has bought me flowers randomly over the years. But I’m not really a flower kind of person because I don’t like taking care of them. I only love looking at them. When he realised this, he would just take me to gardens/flower fields for picnics and walks every now and again where we talk for hours. Which I much prefer

  7. 15 years married and if I get them quarterly I’m surprised. And usually they aren’t the kind of flowers I like. Le sigh.

  8. My husband got me flowers on my birthday, Valentine’s, and our anniversary. He didn’t being me flowers when we dated just to bring flowers..special occasions as mentioned above. I have never dated anyone who just randomly gave me flowers all the time and I have dated a lot of people – lol!

  9. He buys them for me if we are out and I want some, and for very special occasions after receiving instructions to do so. I love cut flowers so I usually just get them for myself.

  10. My husband will sometimes get me flowers on special occasions (birthday, Valentine’s Day, anniversary), but never “just because”. As much as I like flowers I really don’t mind because they’re such a waste of money. I’d rather be gifted a houseplant tbh

  11. i’ve had them buy me cute little gifts but i don’t think i’ve ever received flowers from a boyfriend

    i remember i bought my mom a flower as an apology and on the walk back i had an old guy gasp and say “is that for me?” which i thought was pretty funny

  12. Mine still does, been together 8 years, married for 4. Had a bad day last week at work and after he worked a 12 hour shift, he stopped at the store on his way home to get me flowers and favorite snack, pita and hummus to brighten my mood. It’s the small things that count.

  13. He never does bc after 10 years of marriage he knows I’ll be fucking pissed if he brings home dead flowers. I love him.

  14. He’s never bought me flowers. And he doesn’t need to. He shows me affection/appreciation in plenty of other ways.

    I also have a bit of a stigma with flowers. My ex husband would only buy them when he fucked up.

  15. 2007 I think. He knows I don’t like cut flowers, so he bought me a metal rose to have a permanent flower. That was pretty early on while dating, been married 9 years.

  16. I’ve actually talked my partner of six years out of buying me flowers after our last anniversary just because they can be so expensive and we don’t make much money, but he wants to, and that’s enough for me.

  17. I dream for the day my SO brings me flowers without me having to tell him I’d like some. With that said though, that’ll probably remain a dream ://

  18. They never started.

    When we first started dating I let him know that I’m not a fan of fresh cut flowers because it makes me depressed AF to watch them die so quickly. I told him If he ever felt the urge to get me flowers to get me something of his choice that’s small that I don’t have to watch die.

    This has worked great!

  19. My current partner of 1.5 years has never gotten me flowers. Despite telling me about 1-2 months into saying how when he gives flowers he takes the time to go to a flower shop & have them customized to the person. Which really excited me. Still hasn’t gotten me flowers for any occasion, despite me saying I’d like them. Birthdays, passing certification, a new job, a day when I’m stressed or any day, so many opportunities and not once.

  20. My partner bought me a Bonsai tree, flowers happen on special occasions. I love the thought. I would be happy no matter what he did.

  21. My husband bought me a single flower once about 6 months after we started dating when my birthday and my graduation fell on the same day. That was 4 and a half years ago.

  22. Been together 8 yrs in March, and he stopped buying me flowers around year 2? We occasionally (2-3 times per year) have the conversation about how I want flowers but don’t want to ask for them, I want him to buy them because he wants to not because it’s expected…and it usually goes nowhere. Sad but I just buy them myself

  23. He bought me flowers when my ex sent me flowers as a graduation present after getting my masters because he didn’t want to be one upped. I’ve been open about how much I love getting flowers, but that was the only time.

    But I buy myself flowers at the grocery store on occasion!

  24. I’ve bought my boyfriends flowers more times than any of them have ever bought me flowers. It’s a thing I like doing for my man as a role reversal thing and I don’t think I’ll ever stop but it would be nice to get them back too sometimes.

  25. Married 20 years, and he stopped buying them about 15 years ago at my request because I have terrible allergies!

  26. We’ve been together for 9 years. He buys me some here and there. The last time was a few weeks ago when he was doing the thanksgiving shopping, and he saw some at the store that he thought I would like.

  27. Never. We’ve been together for going on 14 years and he still gets me flowers every anniversary, valentines day, and now mothers day.

    He still thinks they are pointless, but he buys sets of flowers he knows I like and makes bouquets and the vases for me.

  28. 3.5 years in and he still brings them home anytime he goes to the store and we don’t have any

  29. A couple months into dating he bought me flowers once, realized I did not react as enthusiastically to those as when he brought food, and never did it again. Fast learner!

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