My boyfriend M32 of 6 years is having a work Christmas party and is bringing our son but didn’t invite me. He’s done pretty much everything without me by his side, family and friends weddings, party’s ext.. I feel very hurt. How to I get him to want me by his side more? 😩 I’m F26

  1. You need to move on. You deserve better. He isn’t appreciating you. You’re young. Don’t let your life slip by with a jerk.

  2. I would talk with him about your feelings, which is scary but is important in relationships. It is important that both of y’all’s needs need to be met.

  3. We have a two year old together and housing is so expensive I have nowhere to go. I do also love him. He just doesn’t care sometimes.

  4. Wake up!

    You are not his girlfriend.

    Has he ever told you as much and have you had a hard time accepting that?

  5. Have you talked to him about this? Came straight out and asked him why he doesn’t take you to these things?

  6. Have you met his friends and family? Do they know about you?

    Also how does he react when you talk to him about this?

  7. I’m sorry but it doesn’t sound like your boyfriend considers you to be his partner.

    Have you asked him to start including you in these events? Not that you should have to ask…but start with having a conversation. If from there he continues to exclude you, then I think it’s time for you to reconsider your relationship.

  8. You don’t and you need to bite the bullet and tell him! Or you pack you and your son and move out. Flat out ask him why and then tell him that you are done with trying to fit in with his life and that he doesn’t love you.

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