I see a ton of younger guys asking older guys for advice which is cool. Lets try the other way around, I’m interested in your views on older men and how we can improve ourselves.

  1. Strike a better balance between old-school tough love and new-school compassion. I respect older men for their resilience, especially compared to younger folks. I *don’t* respect older men who insist that men can’t show emotion, or that we’re supposed to unilaterally hold up our families.

  2. When it comes to work, I don’t give a fuck how hard you guys had to work “back in the day”, I work as quickly and as hard as all of you. This is more of a personal thing at my job, not all older guys do this.

  3. “You handled that attached PDF really well. Here are few other ways we can utilize PDFs.”

  4. You don’t get to opt out of keeping up with the times if you want to retain relevance. It’s frustrating that skills you’ve spent a long time developing are no longer valued. It’s annoying that social norms change when you already had gotten comfortable with how things were. But it’s honestly not that hard to learn to use a smart phone or how to use a spreadsheet or what (not) to call people with different skin colours. And if you fail to keep up you can’t really be mad when you become an anachronism

  5. Only because you’re older and have more experience in your job, doesnt mean younger people dont have a good ideas or know how to do specific things better. When you’re on the same hierarchy level treat them as equals

  6. I don’t know if it’s constructive but I say part of acting your age is not being stubborn and making excuses for yourself, just cause your old ways used to work doesn’t mean you can’t change.

  7. Trying to hit on/sleep with a girl young enough to be your daughter is generally frowned upon and seen as creepy in this day and age, epecially if she’s your coworker.

    I don’t know if the places I’ve worked at are unusual but most of the guys over 50 I’ve worked with have at least one younger female coworker that they leer at, make sexual comments to, follow around like a puppy, etc. It feels like there’s a massive generational gap when it comes to things like age gaps, consent, and interacting with women in general.

  8. Understand that the world has changed, very quickly and multiple times. Most of us have been on social media and around smart devices for most of our lives. Physical resumes have probably either rarely or never been accepted. The 2007 recession was 15 years ago and I’m just old enough to really remember the differences. Kids born after 9/11 are beginning to graduate college. Three years of pandemic norms is a big difference for someone with less years under them.

    I’m at the later stage of my 20’s but its been *extremley* frustraging dealing with middle aged people who swear the world works exactly as it did in the 20th century and isn’t really cognizant of the day to day reality that exists for young people trying to get by and the kind of expectations you have as a result.

  9. Play with our balls when you’re buttfucking us

    I know they still had common courtesy in your day, so show it

  10. Keeping your feelings to yourself, pretending nothing bothers you doesn’t make you stoic or a real man. It leads to unhappiness and depression. It takes courage to honestly express your feelings to those around you. Be brave.

  11. Dating isn’t the same as it used to be. A 50 year old work likes to give me advice and rant about if he was my age. I tell him if he did the things he would do at my age, he’d be on a list 😂

  12. Stop pulling the ladder up behind you in the corporate world.

    Stop making life hard for Yong people because we had no war or great depression.

    We don’t like subdivisions.

    Stop electing brain dead politicians who raise our taxes and make it hard to open a business.

    We can’t “pull ourselves up by the bootstraps” because old people require 10 years experience and a degree for an entry level job.

  13. Fucking explain shit, if we ask you about something don’t treat us like we should already fucking know, HENCE THE REASON WE ASKED, we don’t fucking know the answer.
    (pov your the youngest person in a foundry)

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