Men with kids ,what’s something your kids can do to make you happy and relaxed ?

  1. I mean this with all seriousness and love for my two kids but sometimes I really just wish they’d f*ck right off and be quite.

  2. Depends on age. If old enough to do things completely independently and correctly, some random housekeeping stuff would be nice (dishes, clean room, clean bathroom, etc.).

  3. It’s not their job to make me happy.

    That being said, I wish they could get themselves ready in the morning, but they’re not there yet.

  4. Both of mine are high strung and high energy…so that makes it difficult. I think the one thing is just to include me at times. Like, my 9 year old loves to cuddle up with me and watch him play video games and it is amazing watching his brain work and solve problems.

  5. Entertain themselves without fighting for a few hours.

    Parents have been turned into party clowns and are the first place kids go to seek entertainment.

  6. * Just go to bed. Don’t fight it, thinking ways to stay up.
    * You can complain about have a tough day at school; I want to hear how your day went. But don’t *whine*. Don’t tell me the teacher hates you or is out to get you, when what really happened is they scolded you for talking in class or having your phone out.
    * Be quiet. Not *silent*; I love your voice. But *quiet*. There is nothing outside of something being on fire that would require you to shriek or scream.
    * Accept my answer. Asking me “But, why not” a hundred times after I tell you “No”, is not going to get me to change my mind.

  7. Lately, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, STFU. I love my kids. I enjoy spending time with them, coach their stuff, etc. The past few weeks, there have been minimal activities, and you would think there was a noise making convention going on in the house, and it has driven me up the wall. I can’t think of 30 seconds where they have been awake, where there hasn’t been a noise, mostly unneeded, being belted out. Oh, except for when they wanted to watch a movie Sunday, I spent $20 on it, and they fell asleep in 20 minutes.

  8. Leave me alone for a bit. Can’t even poop without hearing “DAAAAAADDYYYYYY.”

    I absolutely love them. But 13 hours a day is a little much.

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