So basically I make stupid mistakes. Pregnancy brain makes it so much worse. I’m notoriously bad with cars, and my husband is a big car guy. I mostly don’t drive anymore, as we sold my car when we got married. Yesterday I did need to drive, and I came home and parked in the garage. My husband went to take away our trash (living in a rural area) with his truck and noticed I had parked the car so far forward that the bumper was on some stuff in the garage (our garage is pretty small, and he has some tools in there). Typically we would park backwards in the garage, but we had a guest and I couldn’t use the turn around, so I just pulled in (which is abnormal for us, I wasn’t used to it). I knew I was a bit far forward, that I had left a lot of room at the back of the car but I didn’t think much of it and left it that way. So when he saw it he had to come back in and grab his car key and move it.

EDIT: thank you all for your advice! I’m not surprised that most of you believe I was overthinking/making it a bigger deal than I should have. I brought my husband a snack while he was working (remotely) and apologized sincerely, promising to not do it again. He was really receptive, and forgave me right away. Y’all were right, he just worried about me and was frustrated at the carelessness. I think taking the smaller approach was the right move, thank you all for your input! I’m working on being gentler with myself and forgiving myself easier when I do this sort of thing. I’m also being really careful about managing my stress for the sake of our baby. Thanks everyone for the concern.

I’m due on December 15th, so any day now. This morning I was tired, and he insisted I go back to sleep while he made himself breakfast and I really appreciated it. I feel horrific, like I want to throw up because I upset him with this dumb mistake. I asked him how I could fix it and he said for me to not be so oblivious next time, and left. The atmosphere is definitely still cold, he’s definitely still mad. Do I need to just let him be angry? How can I smooth this over? I just feel utterly useless and stupid and idk how to make it up to him, he’s an amazing partner and I don’t want to leave him in such an awful mood. What would you want your woman (wife, gf, whatever) to do in this kind of situation? I’m asking the general public for ideas, because my husband isn’t the best at communicating what he wants, and even though he said “don’t do it next time” that doesn’t assuage my guilty conscience at all right now. I’m hoping for something practical that I can do to make him feel better.

(For the people who want to say my husband’s in the wrong here or I should leave him, just don’t. This happens once in a blue moon, and it’s always a stupid mistake on my part which I fully admit. He never screams at me, he’s always kind and caring. That’s why I feel so bad, he’s wonderful to me and I screw up his things when I make these mistakes. I really do try not to make them, but every few months or 6 months, something else has to happen that my stupid brain doesn’t catch.)

  1. Easy, just apologize and do your best to not do it again. What’s done is done, you can’t undo it. But you can make the effort to not do it again.

  2. There is no definite answer, but often the best thing a woman can do when she makes a mistake is to apologize and try to make amends. She might also try to learn from her mistake and avoid repeating it in the future.

  3. You made a mistake, it annoyed him and he moved on. You should probably move on too. No need to add stress on yourself, especially while carrying the child. The situation is over. If you haven’t apologized, do then move on. If you have already, trust his words. He does not need you to fix mistakes right now, he just needs you to be safe and sound.

  4. Never get in the habit of trying to kiss the ass of people who can’t let shit go (especially for something so damn minor). You apologized, he can go fuck himself if he wants to stay pissed.

  5. Probably the straw that broke the camels back by the sounds of it. He might’ve just had a bad day! Just say sorry, don’t do it again the same thing you’d want him to do if he upset you with something.

    Accidents happen – congrats on the baby btw. Bare in mind this might also play into his mind, if the car isn’t in the garage right, if you need to get to the ER he can’t just bundle you in and drive straight off etc. I do similar stuff, I get pissed when my other half doesn’t fill the car up with fuel at half a tank – just because if something happens to my family who live far away, its half a tank of fuel to get there. I want to have that at every moments notice, but that’s just me.

    Dudes are just a bit particular about crazy things. I wouldn’t read to much into it! All the best with parent hood.

  6. Honestly, that’s a simple and small mistake. I wouldn’t worry about it and just keep it in mind for next time. You’re working yourself up over nothing.

  7. It’s not the end of the world, tell him to get over it…’re pregnant and don’t need a rasher of shit from him.

    He sounds like a control freak.

  8. I feel like I am missing something here?

    Your husband is mad because you parked the car to far forward and is hanging on to that?

  9. In my experience, as a man, the best thing you can do is let me feel my emotions, don’t try and stifle them. Don’t come back after five or ten minutes, expecting it to just be okay. It’s not. We need time to feel those and process those thoughts. Once we’re back to normal, there’s honestly no use in talking about it, because all it’s going to do now is make it fresh in my mind again.

  10. Don’t want to read all that tbh so I’ll just answer the question in a general sense: acknowledge the mistake without fuss, promise to make an effort to avoid the mistake in the future, and then follow through. If she does that, I’m satisfied.

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