Based in the UK for context… So last week I (M29) was at a pub with some work friends and mentioned that I thought the girl behind the bar was really pretty.

They ended up talking to the girl and found out her name, age (23) and that she’s single. They kept encouraging me to talk to her but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’m not long out of a long term relationship so I haven’t had to do anything like this is in a while.

I was thinking, as I’m the area later on this week I should go in and just sort of say what happened and that I’d like to have a coffee or whatever with her and give her my number. That way it’s up to her if she wants to contact me or not. But then I thought, maybe a stranger approaching her at her job and handing her a phone number is a bit creepy…

It’s probably more of a need to prove to myself that I can actually put myself out there again and if she says no it’s not the end of the world.

Basically I’m getting inside my own head and perhaps over complicating things, should I just go with this plan or come up with something else?

1 comment
  1. It’s always best to be upfront and honest in these situations. Going in and explaining what happened and asking her out for a coffee or drink is a good idea. If she says no, it’s not the end of the world and you can move on. It’s better to try and potentially get rejected than to never ask at all. As long as you’re respectful and not creepy, there’s nothing wrong with asking her out.

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