This is starting to boil my piss, literally every advert I see there are dozens of laughing/angry reactions as well as the same comments such as “box ticked!” or “woke”.

  1. Not really, and it does seem a very strange thing to get upset about. That said, it has become a bit of a cliche in ads though.

  2. Why are you watching adverts on facebook might be a question to start with.

    But racist POS are everywhere, they just don’t talk in public.

  3. The point is that OP is pointing out that inclusivity seems to provoke an audience who want to vomit at the sight of it…Little Britain Style…😂

  4. You need to mix with better people. You’re seeing an echo chamber of your social circles.

  5. Honestly you don’t even have to leave Reddit to see it. The amount of posts I see complaining about mixed race couples on ads boggles my mind

  6. No, but the amount of black and mixed-race actors on adverts has become tiresome to many who are happy to see them being representative of the country as a whole but the virtue-signalling advertisers insult the rest of the population, not only the indigenous White population but also brown-skinned people who are rarely pictured but are more than twice the population as black people, and patronise the black population.

  7. My fam is the same every advert they have to comment about there being black people on it. Like there’s an agenda
    What they don’t realise is it’s literally to appeal to everyone and sell more product, if they really think it’s to push multiculturalism they are a fucking idiot. The sooner people realise all these companies care about is money the better.

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