How much drunk is actually drunk ?

  1. Two drinks at first then one per hour is buzzed. Faster than that is drunk.

    Your mileage may vary

  2. When you can’t walk straight, and make sense when you talk, you should stop. Anything fun after that, you won’t remember much of. At that point, or soon after you will probably be TDF. You’ll try….but you’re not gonna be at your best.

    If you have massive personality changes, or are an angry drunk, you should consider abstaining.

  3. Depends on respect to what activity. If you drink as much as 750ml of vodka you may die so probably best to stop before getting there.

  4. I once finished a pint of blue Smirnoff (100 proof) in about half an hour before heading into Disneyland. I don’t remember entering or leaving the park but I have pictures that I took from inside that I also do not remember taking

  5. I think the most logical answer to this is to figure out how much alcohol it take for you to be over the legal limit to drive, that would be too drunk to drive at least. Then from there, you can create a scale of being too drunk for other things.

    Start with too drunk to drive and you can end with whisky dick. 🤣✌️

  6. 10 shots of christian bros brandy will probably get me drunk, mind you, I’m 6’4 and 320 pounds so it might affect you differently if you weigh less, but personally I gave up after 6 shots because my legs went to sleep

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