I think that my friends all actually hate me and talk behind my back. I have no evidence of this, but I feel like they all want to conspire against me.

I was involved in some drama so maybe that’s why. In this I was the victim but some people believed the other guy. I already know those people talk about me but I bet the people who are on “my side” talk with them and they’re all planning a way to get back at me. They all definitely hate me. It’s not even just them, I bet anyone that knows of me just loathes my existence.

Obviously this train of thought is completely irrational to the outside point of view. I can’t explain it, I feel like everyone is praying on my downfall. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

1 comment
  1. When you constantly obsess about what other people think about you, it means you are idle in your life. Naturally, when you are idle in life, you tend to spend a lot more time thinking about others and less time actually thinking about yourself or what is important to yourself. It boils into anxiety and fear, and sooner or later, you train yourself to act unnatural, needy, clingy, and desperate for other people’s attention and validation, which forces them to actually not like you. You need to be proactive in life focusing on things like your goals, hobbies, skills, talents, etc. Chase excellence.

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