Is this normal? I’m in my 30s and over the last few years my drive has progressively got lower and lower to the point where I can now go extended periods of time without any sexual activity and feel just fine about it. Kissing is okay but anything more than that becomes uncomfortable.

Even when I’m dating someone I like, I still don’t want to go down that road. I’m not really sure why this is the case, and it’s difficult to explain to potential love interests because I know sex is a big part of intimacy etc. When they bring up the topic of sex, it immediately puts me off and I become very closed off. I don’t know why this is and I’d like to get over it. Has anyone else ever felt like this before?

1 comment
  1. If this is something that you would like to work on, then perhaps a few sessions with a therapist would be the best way forward. It’s more complex than anything that could be handled here.

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