I(27F) have been out with a great guy (28M) on three dates. He really surprised me as not my usually type. I tend to go for extremely outgoing guys and life of the party. He is extremely sweet and more shy side- intentional before he speaks. After three dates I have a solid crush. On the second date we ended up hooking up as well. This guy is a lawyer and has an intense job which sometimes can be 100 hours a week. This part doesn’t bother me as I’m quite busy and long term as long as we both make it a priority to date that’s fine. Plus a lot of my friends are lawyers so I know the intensity and life style. We usually text once or twice a day.

The issue now is I’m overthinking. I leave to go home for the holidays for four weeks which he knows about. It’s double pour timing as his family pet passed away this last weekend. I didn’t hear for him for a few days and texted I hope everything is ok and I’m sorry for his loss which he responded with he was a bit depressed and not feeling the best.

I gave him a sweet response back, but he just liked my text instead of continuing the convo. Which is fine but I’m not sure how to check in again and continue

Do I just leave it and check in a week or read it as just not interested? I feel terrible that he is having a hard time but I don’t know what to do as it’s only been a few dates but I actually liked him. I only ask as I’m leaving for four weeks now and thought everything was going good and don’t know what to do or if he just uses it as a way to soft ghost me.

  1. I’d definitely check back in with him in a few days/or a week. Four weeks is a long time to be gone and you don’t want him to become disconnected from you as he goes through a rough patch alone.

  2. I’m quiet a bit younger than you both but I’ve had way more than my fair share of dates and problems. Overthinking is the #1 issue in any relationship. Sometimes people need space and bombarding them during that can cause a void to be created and push them away from you. I’d suggest you make some food and send him a picture of it and ask if you can bring him some dinner to make him feel better. Something that is going to get you guys together and have a bit of a face to face talk. If he isn’t up for it then don’t push the envelope and give him space. Just let him know that you really like him and you’ll be right there when he’s ready to talk again.

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