Single 34 M. Not sexually active or trying to be right now.Until 3 weeks ago I could masturbate, ejaculate and orgasm 3 times a week no problem and now it’s been 3 weeks since I could orgasm or ejaculate. I get hard and that’s it. I’ve tried everything that’s ever worked for the. Variety of porn, vibrator, 2 different drugs. But I never needed that extra stuff before and now nothings working.

I’m hoping it’s either

A. My anxiety issues in general
B. House I live in got 3 new guys and it’s very hard for me to get off when people might hear (very self conscious though I know I don’t need to be am am)

I think logically the roommate issue is most likely but that hasn’t always stopped me in the past.

Id really like help processing worst case scenarios just for my own sanity and have noone to talk to who would take it seriously that I might have something wrong with me.

Please try not to judge. I’m just not looking for sexual relations right now for a variety of reasons and masturbating used to keep me sane and let me get sexual thoughts out of my system so I can move on to other things. It was usually 2-4 times a week and I’m struggling to adjust to not having that option at all now.

I know it’s not gonna kill me and it’s not on the same level as serious diseases and injuries that many people must live with but it is starting to effect my mental health which is why Im here asking for help.

I’d really appreciate if someone could help me process the likelihood/possibility/best solution for possible worst case scenarios. Specifically:

1.Do people suddenly loose the ability masturbate successfully. (Long term or permanent loss or orgasm/ejaculation). Is it common?
2. If that was my fate how long might it realistically take me to accept this and ideally become asexual because honestly my social anxiety is so bad it will be a long time before a start seriously looking for sex again.

I tell myself it’s the anxiety of someone always being in earshot range cause I find that most likely but I need help processing the what ifs/worst case scenario because those are the ones troubling me a lot right now and I have no one I’d feel comfortable talking to about this.

Sorry if this is not the place to ask this.

Would really appreciate any info, data, anecdotes, speculations, anything pertaining to the worst case scenarios because those are the possibilities really troubling me.

  1. Earlier this year I discovered I had ED. I went on Cialis and Viagra for it as an experiment. Initially the dose was too high and I lost my ability to ejaculate. Once I got the dose right I was OK.

    Is your libido OK? Does your dick get hard? Can you get close to an orgasm? Those things happen in that sequence. Which step is failing?

  2. Ok so I was totally catastrophising. Instead of looking at the facts, that for many nights in a row I worked so late there was no time or energy left and too many people around at all other times, when a drug was taken it was too much and/or for too long and limp dick and anxiety made it impossible.

    All I needed to do was stop and wait till I was calm, well rested, well fed, no people walking past my room, no drug induced limp dick/anxiety/paranoia.

    It all boiled down to waiting for the right internal and external conditions. I still hope for a drug related session every once in a blue moon (cause sober ones give me little pleasure anymore sadly) but I’d have to keep it brief and start low. For now Im just relieved to have gotten it out of my system so I can forget about it and focus on other things.

    I kind of want to delete this cause it’s embarrassing but maybe someone else might find it helpful.

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