So I had this girl who I thought liked me…then one day (literally yesterday) since I suspected i asked then… she told that she like another guy but said that he is too perfect for her and she ain’t worth for the guy she likes. I told her I thought she like me and idk but i thought she was giving me hints too(idk if the hints are true iam just so confused)..she didn’t responded to that…then on the heat of the moment i told her i like her…she said it can’t work between us.. we haven’t talked after yesterday night….pls help me idk wht she is thinking I just am so confused….ask me anything I will tell just pls give me some advice

  1. You confessed and she said it won’t work. You got turned down. Seems like she likes someone else. Move on I’d say.sometimes we make things up in our heads for example people hinting at us… Not saying it wasn’t real just saying it seems like she doesn’t want to be with you.

  2. Take a step back and don’t even waste your time on her. Just say sorry for misinterpreting anything and then leave her alone. Take the time to work on yourself ( not that there is anything wrong with you). All I’m saying is preoccupy yourself with more important things.

  3. Homie she head over heals for what she considers perfect, if she chooses you because she can’t have what’s perfect then what does that make you then?
    Barely enough?
    You can do a lot better for yourself by leaving her alone, don’t disrespect yourself.

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