At What Age Is It Hard To Try To Date?

  1. As a guy I found teens the hardest, 20’s were so-so, 30’s was fish in a barrel (I always had more people interested then I had time to seriously date).

    Assuming you have made the right moves for yourself in your 20’s dating should be a lot easier in your 30’s if you are at least decent looking and projecting confidence and established in life.

    Based on the stories I’ve heard from women about their dating experiences women can tell in like 10 seconds if you are a desperate or insecure man. And for the vast majority of them its not attractive at all.

  2. Definitely younger years! You don’t know quite what you want and try to impress to much when younger.

  3. Teens are definitely the hardest. There’s no privacy and no one’s entirely certain of what they want out of the relationship.

    Honestly it only just gets easier from there.

  4. Age 6 – all the girls have cooties and want to go straight to moving in together, getting married and having kids the same day!

  5. It’s hard to date at every age. But as someone who was with one woman for 20 years only to find myself back on the dating market just before my 40th birthday, I can certainly a test how difficult that was.

  6. 18-25. Now that I’m almost 30, I’ve found it easier to get a date with a woman because I’m at that “in between” age where I’m not too old for a younger woman and I’m not too young for an older woman

  7. Teens, definitely. You haven’t really figured out who you are or what you want, and neither have they. You’re just a ball of hormones, having mediocre sex, not communicating, with little confidence, trying to live up to expectations set by your friends exaggerating / porno / creepy romcoms.

    The. Worst.

  8. I feel like its harder the less you do it rather than age. I’m 23 now and I haven’t dated in about 2 years. I find I’m focusing more on my life but I rarely seek out company. Although I have every capability to do so

  9. As an overall loser and bad looks, chances were better when having a consistent social circle, specifically college, where looks aren’t the most important thing. After that, I consider it to be the hardest age to meet and get close to random people.

  10. Mid/late 20s. There are fewer single people, but the ones that are around can be really fucking difficult to deal with. Not to mention you’re probably grinding harder than ever trying to get a career going. By 30s it seems like everyone’s chilled, figured out what they want, learned how to get along, etc.

  11. 15. Can’t drive yet but girls are starting to take notice. Hormones are raging. The fucking worst.

  12. The older you get the harder it is. I think at 40 is the age where it starts to get really hard.

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