I am 25 m.

I think the past four girls I have dated have given me a “Not feeling a connection” or “Romantic Connection.” Especially the girl I am dating now. We’ve been on two dates which from my understanding went really nicely. We share an interest in art and throughout the two dates have shared it and had nice conversations about it, and other things of course. I really thought with this girl I would not have that issue, especially because she was so enthusiastic about our convos and that we spent so much time together over dinner and at a museum.

Then today, after trying to confirm a 3rd date, she finally texts me back saying that she’s not looking to date right now (she edited her hinge profile so its an excuse obviously) and that she’s not feeling a connection.

I mean I don’t know what I am doing wrong. I feel I always have something interesting to share or to talk about. With this girl I felt excited cause of her enthusiasm and questions towards my work and art. I totally felt a meaningful connection, I just don’t understand how she can’t see it.

I think I am not being forward enough and shy away from saying I like them on the first date, but I always thought that was too early and pushy. Girls, do you want a guy to be verbal about how they feel early? I thought it would be enough by just asking for the next date?

1 comment
  1. No one can answer this for you without more concrete information: conversation examples, etc.

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