I feel so bad whenever I see it happen bc I’ve been in the same situation many times before. I feel guilty for doing nothing bc if I was in their situation I would love it if a stranger randomly asked me if I needed a hug or something. On the other hand, ik a lot of ppl would consider that invasive and might need space.

  1. I offer tissues. It’s a way of demonstrating that they are seen, they aren’t being avoided because of being ’embarrassing’ (emotions are valid damn it), people care and wish to help and I can use it as a segue to ask if they’re ok and offer more support if needed. If they wish to disappear, I can leave the tissues and go.

    I find it minimally invasive as both a giver and receiver of tissues and it provides control over the rest of the interaction to the cryer.

  2. Hand him/her a tissue
    Or wipe the tears off
    And hold a smile
    Some people will screw u up when u say its gonna get better

  3. If someone is crying in the bathroom, they’re probably there because they want privacy. I wouldn’t even look at them.

  4. I think a short “you OK?” with a friendly/caring tone of voice will do. Obviously if they’re crying in the bathroom of a public place they’re probably not “OK”, but if they don’t want to talk about it to a stranger they have the option to just mumble “yeah…” and brush it off. Or they can share. I have ended up in my fair share of ‘impromptu group therapy in the girl’s room at some bar/venue” sessions full of total strangers lol. If you happen run into them again they tend to become actual friends though, in my experience.

  5. A stranger who once found me crying in a bathroom became one of my best friends during my early adolescent years. I was 17, living on my own, crying because I didn’t get accepted for student loans and I was going to have to drop out of school. She was kind, asked me if I wanted to talk about it, or smoke a joint with her lol.

  6. I personally tell them to shut up your feelings are valid just find a different way to express them as no one likes a cry baby. Remember you are in public so your lack of control is immature as fuck

  7. Unfortunately I’ve cried in public bathrooms and the most someone did was say”omg someone’s crying lol” I definitely would of felt better if they asked if I was okay or offered a tissue.

  8. “Hey, you okay in there? Would you like some company or would you prefer me to just leave? I’m more than happy to keep you company but I don’t want to invade your space”

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