I asked out this friend out mine from school who is also my co-worker. She said yes at first, but then said no. I think she said yes to be nice, but didn’t actually feel like it in reality. I handled the rejection well and told her I didn’t have any high expectations when asking her out. That I was just shooting my shot and that all was good. Never brought it up again.

We didn’t talk at all for a week or two but then she started talking to me more at work. She even pointed out my haircut and implied that she liked it. She tries to strike more conversations with me even more than before I asked her out. Usually these are just conversations about school related stuff (we are both editors in a journal) but it still feels like excuses to talk to me or text me.

Should I try to flirt with her again, or should I stand back and let her do all the work if she really was changing her mind about me?

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