Hi, so me(20M) and this senior of mine (20F) hooked up. I’m emotionally attracted to her but not too sure. She recently drunk texted me and kinda friendzoned me. Said I was a great friend. She basically angrily texted me cause I didn’t update her on my injured foot. She said she cared about me and was always gonna be there for me.

So I have a bunch of pending assignments cause of my injured foot which is also affecting my mental health. I told her about this and I asked her if she could do one of my term papers. She very surely agreed and said she would. I’m so confused, is she into me? She is helping me big time. What does this mean?

  1. There’s absolutely no way for us to know what’s going on with only this information. If you want your answer, you need to ask her out on a date. Good luck.

  2. You know who also says that? Girls who want to put intentions out there but don’t want to scare you with the R word.

    Hang out with her and read her body language.

  3. Wait…you asked a girl to write a term paper for you…because your foot hurts?? And the post is asking if the girl likes you…and not asking what could POSSIBLY GO WRONG if somehow it’s discovered that your term paper is plagerized?

  4. In my opinion, you can’t be friends with someone you hooked up with and you’re emotionally attracted to. If she’s actually friendzoned you, move on.

  5. I’m very confused as to why you asked her to write a whole new term paper for you because your foot hurts. That’s a lot of work and pretty fucked up imo to ask from someone. But you do you I guess.

    As for if she likes you, I have no idea. She might said you were a great friend but didn’t mean it as only friends. Or maybe she thought you didn’t like her and didn’t want to come of desperate, idk. I think you’ll just have to make some moves and ask her out.

  6. You seems to have to much doubts. Rather than think about it how about you just go with the flow. In the end there will be 2 possibilities. One is you will be with her. Two u are not meant to be together. U like her right? Try go for it.

  7. Bro… She literally fucked you und does your homework for you. She’s either stupid or into you. Once you go the extra mile there is no going back, so that good friend talk and beeing annoyed that you didn’t tell her about your foot doesn’t add up.

    In other news… You’re a massive dick for letting her do your homework.

  8. YTA, can’t believe you let her write your term paper because of ‘mental health’ from your foot, asinine.

  9. As a girl, I’d say she likes you. Although I believe it’s in bad taste, a broken foot doesn’t impact your ability to type/research. You’re taking advantage.

  10. Why are you asking her to write your term paper for you, you have a broken foot not broken hands? I don’t get it… also the information you gave gives no indication at all on if she likes you or not

  11. Sorry, but I don’t see how she can possibly be into you when you can’t write a paper because your foot hurts and you had the audacity to ask her to write one for you. Sounds like pity.

  12. No one can tell but her but I’m going to hope she’s not into you because no one deserves to be with someone who asks you to do a whole ass term paper because your foot has a booboo

  13. She obviously likes you, but why the fuck are you asking her to write your paper? You have two working hands

  14. Feels like you’re just using her or testing the waters to see what else she’d do for you. You’re foot is broken not your fingers/hands … like what?

  15. If I were her I wouldn’t like you. Seems like you are taking advantage of her. Also, she is probably wondering the same thing since you aren’t being open with your emotions toward her

  16. That’s cheating, dude. You can ask for extensions due to medical concerns. They will 100% give you them. Don’t sacrifice your integrity for a grade.

  17. I sure hope this girl doesn’t like you, because you clearly don’t like and respect her. If you did, you wouldn’t take advantage of her kindness by asking her to write a whole term paper for you. You better compensate her for her work.

  18. If she’s into you, you’ll know for sure. If she’s not into you, you’ll be confused.

  19. Dude did you also get brain damage along with that broken foot of yours ? Don’t make her do YOUR work, it makes you a gigantic asshole

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