Hi, so I (20M) went on a second date with a girl (20F) from work two days ago and both dates went good (at least in my opinion). We talked a lot and joked around and overall had a nice time together. The problem is nothing happened yet we only hugged after dates and that was all, I never catch enough courage to actually make a move on her. I am not really great at reading those signs so would me telling her I like her and asking permission for a kiss be better or not? Also, should I ask her out again or should I wait to see if she will text me first since both times it was me who asked her out ?

  1. I have this same problem, but I find going for a drink (or a few drinks in my case) makes it a lot easier for me to go in for a kiss.

    But then obviously its not that simple if neither of you drink

  2. If she is saying yes to the dates she is interested. You need to man up and make the move, she is not going to make the first move. If you don’t make the first move by next date I am sure she will say yes to dating someone else over you.

  3. As a woman, I wouldn’t mind if someone was honest and just asked permission. I would actually see it as a positive thing.

  4. Did you escalate towards a kiss? Any physical contact at all during either date? Strong eye contact is also very important when building a physical connection.

  5. Just out right ask, ask “can i kiss you?”. I’ve heard some girls prefer a guy who just goes for it, but i’d be leery of doing that the first time.

  6. Many women feel like the guy needs to make the first few moves so don’t feel like its overboard to ask her on the third date. A “can I kiss you” is not weird and a great way to make sure you don’t have an awkward rejection! Good Luck!

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