What did you say to your partner before she went in for baby delivery?

  1. I think it was around the 3rd or 4th kid our go bag included a huge beach towel to put on the her leather seat in the new car. She asked what the towel was for & I calmly answered in case your water breaks on the high speed run to the hospital. It was a real romantic moment.

  2. Woke my husband up around 0300 and told him my water broke. His profound response to the impending birth of our son?

    “…oh.. I guess we should get up and go then”

    Love that energy lol

  3. He said: “You sure it’s not just pee?” (His ex went to hospital three times thinking a urine leak was her waters breaking. I’d had no scares like that for the full third trimester). It was green and I fucking knew which hole it came out of. I was mostly annoyed knowing I couldn’t give birth in a tub like I wanted, until his comment. Then I was just annoyed by his comment.

  4. I was there with her so I guess there was no statement made before going in to deliver. It was also a really long day for both of us as she was in labor for 17-18 hours.

  5. I hope that there aren’t many who weren’t trusted enough to be right there at their wife’s side.

  6. I was in the room proudly crying like an idiot promising I’ll marry her for some reason and doing my best to not freak out at what was going on and “omg whats the white stuff on the baby” while she sucks on gas and air, I cut the cord with shaky hands and wet eyes I could barely see the cord in the first place.

    Was the happiest day in my life and I’d do it all over again.

    Like fuck I’m sitting down shouting “good luck babe” whilst she goes in alone.

  7. We laughed all the way, due to the water trail from the elevator and the splish, splosh sounds from her shoes. I was with her the whole 8 hours though. Easily the best experience I’ve ever had.

  8. I was in there too acting as the DJ playing soothing music such as:
    KLF Chill out
    Orb adventures beyond the ultra world
    Brian Eno music for airports

    Had a great time

  9. “Let’s do this.” I was there for the C-section and the 2 subsequent vaginal births.

    Somebody had to make sure the doctors did their jobs correctly. /s

  10. went t with her..held her hand rubbed her back,, felt bad hearing her scream in pain,,alk to nurses more than her i think

  11. Well let me think…. I was sitting in my study smoking my pipe writing a letter with my quill when the midwives took my wife into the barn…. I think I said don’t go dying on me, you still have 14 more kids you need to bear me.

  12. Arguing over the middle name. First name was Samantha from Stargate SG1. I wanted Carter for the middle name, she wanted Grace. When her stomach was being sliced open for the c section I decided to let her have it.

  13. You can handle this, you’ve done it hundreds of times.


    Note: She was a neonatal ICU nurse and was often on hand for the delivery of premature babies.

  14. C section. I said not to worry. I never felt so bad in my life because I would have been freaking out.

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