There is this guy who I try to ignore when I see him. But he always speaks to me. He and I had a one night stand three years ago while he was in a relationship. He works at a store where I shop at regularly so I see him often. (I’ve been shopping at this store for years). Sometimes I will walk past him and not say anything trying to ignore him. But then if he sees me he speaks to me.
Or he’ll say “well hello”.

I don’t want to talk to him because I saw a picture of him and this girl on social media at a concert. But when I asked to see him he told me he was trying to be a good boy (saying he doesn’t want to cheat). Yet I see him out at a concert and somewhere else with this girl that he works with.

  1. Why not just tell him that because of your past with him, you prefer not to talk to him when you run into each other? Then walk away. You don’t need to give an explanation beyond that. He’s likely hoping to keep it friendly so you will hook up with him again.

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