This girl kept saying she felt bad for me. She must of said it like 50 times. Sometimes she said it with a smirk. Other times she said it almost crying with a dejected look.

I just don’t get it.

While she was doing this she was trying to tell me what to with my life. She was trying to get me to get a job. I was in junior year of high school. She was also hounding on me about school and comparing me to my siblings.

She kept saying felt bad for me. For what? Not being perfect and meeting her standards? She just never thought I was good enough as I was or my efforts weren’t good enough.

She just didn’t think I was good enough did she?

  1. Stay away from her, she’s mocking you. If she does it again tell her “got it.” very sternly and walk away.

  2. Tell her you feel bad for her too, especially since she sounds like a stuck tape recorder. Then walk away and ignore her.

  3. She’s gaslighting you because of her own and issues she’s deflecting onto you. It has nothing to do with you. It’s her. She does this to other people too.

  4. I feel bad for you for writing “must of”. You went through your whole life thinking “have” is spelled “of”

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