What makes you anxious?

  1. I used to think I had anxiety. I realized that I didn’t, I was just poor.

    When you’re poor things that shouldn’t give you anxiety absolutely do because the *real* cause of the anxiety is “Oh what if this doesn’t work out and then something else happens and oh god I have no money oh god oh fuck could I be homeles?”

    But now that I have significantly more money than I could spend with active concerted effort, I don’t get anxiety around…anything anymore. I just don’t. What could possibly happen to me?

    I get sick? I’ll get a doctor. I have good insurance and can afford high class private care

    Someone doesn’t like me? Who cares, what can they do to me? Even if they hate me and get me fired, okay early retirement.

    Like all the issues I had with anxiety went away with money

  2. Sending emails. My boss used to call the team every time I sent an email and berate me in front of everyone for a solid 5-10 minutes about how bad it was.

  3. Not knowing what the future holds. Whether my ex will ever contact me again, whether I can handle the pressure of my new job, whether I can find someone who I can love and be with, whether my recent lab results are symptom of a major underlying health problem. but mostly my ex. Can’t get her out of my head.

    Anxiety sucks.

  4. Being around a group of strangers that all know each other and have their own language of inside jokes and references.

  5. Calling businesses to ask simple questions. Gives me those stupid anxiety shits. I’m almost 28 and I still can’t do it 🫠

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