What makes you cry? And why?

  1. Everything. Any big emotion makes me cry. I cry a lot. Fortunately, my people just ignore it like “yep, that’s normal.”

  2. There are many things that can make me cry. Some things that have made me cry in the past include: -Seeing someone in pain -Hearing about someone experiencing a great loss -Watching a sad movie or reading a sad book -Remembering something that made me very happy in the past

  3. Homelessness. It’s sad to see how families get that way and how close some of us are to being homeless. It’s scary and sad 😢

  4. Right now everything happy sad or in-between. I got the nexplanon implant a couple months ago and it’s made me cry at the drop of the hat. Not pregnant and no periods though so I’ll still call it a win.

  5. everything. I cry over everything. all of my emotions, both positive and negative, come out as crying. it’s such a pain in the ass because everyone just thinks I’m a big baby, but that’s how I get it all out and then I can have a clear head once I’m done.

  6. I’m not really someone who cries a lot, but a few weeks ago I was cooking one of my dad’s recipes and it suddenly hit me that it’s has been two years since he passed away, and I just couldn’t stop crying.

  7. Everything it feels like. Good stuff and bad stuff. Most frequently is when I have to have conversations about something that has upset me. Like I can get a few words out and then my eyeballs start sweating. It’s infuriating because I don’t want people thinking I’m weaponizing my tears. Lucky my girlfriend knows me better than that. She gives me space and time to gather myself.

  8. Most Pixar movies. And some MCU movies. And some books. And TV shows. And my husband makes me cry with laughter and happiness sometimes.

  9. Those videos that show people doing nice things for people in need. To see how appreciative they are for the things most people take for granted really puts things in perspective. It’s genuine happiness.

  10. Music. I have a passion for it, and whenever I listen to something that I really like or love it has the potential to get the tears going.

  11. Anything that makes me feel inadequate. Thinking about my parents aging/dying. Surprisingly I cry most easily when I’m angry.

  12. I’m a sucker for animal videos, especially rescues and releases of one’s used in testing!

  13. Everything. Like when I’m emotionally overwhelmed I cry. Whether it’s because I’m arguing with somebody and I get frustrated, or because I saw a video of a puppy that was reunited with its owner or because I look at the person I love and can’t control my feelings for them. I cry. All the fucking time.

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